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Our Values


At camp we cultivate a safe space that allows all to be comfortable enough to take risks, be vulnerable, and trusting enough to share their ideas, talents, and point of view. Individuals co-create experiences through collaboration, active participation, and engaging in conversations. 


We will demonstrate respect by treating others how each individual wants to be treated. We will cultivate a safe space where we all trust and are comfortable and confident sharing how we feel. We are each willing to try new things and receptive to exploring new ideas.


All family members make a valued contribution to the camp community, especially when we express our full selves, unique perspectives, and unapologetic presence. Our camp community celebrates and promotes individuality and demonstrations of pride in who we are and where we come from.



Throughout our time at camp, we will all be present fully immersing ourselves in the experience. We will find moments to join in and celebrate whole heartedly, abandoning inhibitions and troubles of the past.


Our diverse “camp family” will be an identity affirming space where we all have a sense of belonging. We will have compassion expressing kindness and empathy for each other while continuously seeking to intentionally build relationships across lines of difference.

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